Radio Freedonia [Playlist - 02/04/09]
- "chicken with its head Cut Off, A" - Magnetic Fields - 69 LoveSongs [1999]
- "White Elephant" - Volcano Suns - All-Night Lotus Party [1986/NEW]
- "Dusk" - Duk Ellington - Blanton-Webster Band [1941]
- "In the Morning" - Bee Gees - Early Stuff [1967ish]
- "Everybody's Going to Make It This Time" - Funkadelic - American Eats Its Young [1972]
- "Yellow Dog Blues" - Katherine Handy Lewis and James P. Johnson - Classic Piano Blues [1943/NEW]
- "Mrs. Morris" - Charles Spearin - The Happiness Project [NEW]
- "Mr. Appollo" - Bonzo Dog Band - Tadpoles [Ca. 1970]
- "FunnyFace" - Sparks - Whomp That Sucker [1981]
- "Hearts in Exile 45 Version" - Homosexuals - Astral Glamour [Reissue]
- "Ladybug's Picnic" - Sesame Street - Songs From the Street
- "Devil's Dream" - Earl Thomas - Mountain Music of Kentucky
- "Rolling Sea" - Vetiver - Tight Knit [NEW]
- "I Gotta Get Drunk" - Phosphorescent - From Phosphorescent to Willie [NEW]
- "reasons to Quit" - Wilile Nelson and Merle Haggard - Pancho & Lefty [1982]
- "What's the Use of getting Sober" - Louis Jordan [ca. 1944]
- "It's Alright the Way That You Live" - Velvet Underground - Outtake
- "Nzage" - Ngola Ritmos - Angola '60s ['60S, Duh]
- "Sonamos" - Juana Molina - Segundo [2000]
- "I Can feel YourLove Slipping Away" - Metro Area - Fabric 43 [NEW]
- "Island Trip" - Hello Seahorse - Hoy A las Ocho [NEW]
- "I Want Some More" - Dan Auerbach - Keep It Hid [NEW]
- "NY Excuse" - Radio Soulwax - Part of the Weekend Never Dies [NEW]
- "Whachadoin?" - Spank Rock, MIA, Santogold, and Nick Zinner - NASA [NEW]
- "Pontiac" - Mahjongg - Kontpab [2008]
- "Work Experience" - Gun Outfit - Dim Light [NEW]
- "Thanks, Jasmine" - Slow Break - Inside the Dark Mountain [2006]
- "A Manha na Praia" - The Alps - III [NEW]
1 comment:
Duke Ellington into the Bee Gees' "In the Morning" into Funkadelic - hot damn, Rubes!! Damn, damn, damn!!! The equipment probably screwed up because it was rendered speechless.
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