05 February 2009

Radio Freedonia 11pm Feb. 4, 2009.

a bitterly cold night by central virginia standards. a woefully unprepared dj by normal standards. but it's just another night in freedonia...one call from a dude who was really feelin' the radio soulwax, which was exactly the song i was regretting playing. at another point int the show, the red button for the mic slider turned itself off although the mic was actually on (just turned all the way down), and for fifteen minutes i thought the speakers had blown. once i left the studio and saw the ON AIR sign, it all made sense. it means something ElSE is broken.

Radio Freedonia [Playlist - 02/04/09]

  1. "chicken with its head Cut Off, A" - Magnetic Fields - 69 LoveSongs [1999]

  2. "White Elephant" - Volcano Suns - All-Night Lotus Party [1986/NEW]

  3. "Dusk" - Duk Ellington - Blanton-Webster Band [1941]

  4. "In the Morning" - Bee Gees - Early Stuff [1967ish]

  5. "Everybody's Going to Make It This Time" - Funkadelic - American Eats Its Young [1972]

  6. "Yellow Dog Blues" - Katherine Handy Lewis and James P. Johnson - Classic Piano Blues [1943/NEW]

  7. "Mrs. Morris" - Charles Spearin - The Happiness Project [NEW]

  8. "Mr. Appollo" - Bonzo Dog Band - Tadpoles [Ca. 1970]

  9. "FunnyFace" - Sparks - Whomp That Sucker [1981]

  10. "Hearts in Exile 45 Version" - Homosexuals - Astral Glamour [Reissue]

  11. "Ladybug's Picnic" - Sesame Street - Songs From the Street

  12. "Devil's Dream" - Earl Thomas - Mountain Music of Kentucky

  13. "Rolling Sea" - Vetiver - Tight Knit [NEW]

  14. "I Gotta Get Drunk" - Phosphorescent - From Phosphorescent to Willie [NEW]

  15. "reasons to Quit" - Wilile Nelson and Merle Haggard - Pancho & Lefty [1982]

  16. "What's the Use of getting Sober" - Louis Jordan [ca. 1944]

  17. "It's Alright the Way That You Live" - Velvet Underground - Outtake

  18. "Nzage" - Ngola Ritmos - Angola '60s ['60S, Duh]

  19. "Sonamos" - Juana Molina - Segundo [2000]

  20. "I Can feel YourLove Slipping Away" - Metro Area - Fabric 43 [NEW]

  21. "Island Trip" - Hello Seahorse - Hoy A las Ocho [NEW]

  22. "I Want Some More" - Dan Auerbach - Keep It Hid [NEW]

  23. "NY Excuse" - Radio Soulwax - Part of the Weekend Never Dies [NEW]

  24. "Whachadoin?" - Spank Rock, MIA, Santogold, and Nick Zinner - NASA [NEW]

  25. "Pontiac" - Mahjongg - Kontpab [2008]

  26. "Work Experience" - Gun Outfit - Dim Light [NEW]

  27. "Thanks, Jasmine" - Slow Break - Inside the Dark Mountain [2006]

  28. "A Manha na Praia" - The Alps - III [NEW]

1 comment:

Don Harrison said...

Duke Ellington into the Bee Gees' "In the Morning" into Funkadelic - hot damn, Rubes!! Damn, damn, damn!!! The equipment probably screwed up because it was rendered speechless.