- "The Sound Alone" - Drug Rug - Drug Rug [2007]
- "The Beach" - Dr. Dog - Fate [2008]
- "Possible Grenade" - Brendan Canning - Something For All of Us [2008]
- "Double Double Yolk" - These Are Powers - All Aboard Future [NEW]
- "Peacetalks/Downer" - Mi Ami - Watersports [NEW]
- "In O" - OOIOO - OOIOO [1998]
- "Pretend" - Okay - Huggable Dust [2008]
- "The Doon" - No Neck Blues Band - Qvaris [2005]
- "Halleluwah" - Can - Tago Mago [1971]
- "Mother Sky" - th' Faith Healers - Lido [1992]
- "Oh Yeah" - 7% Solution - Lullaby/Oh Yeah 7"
- "Citadel" - Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request [1967]
- "New Kind of Love" - Plants and Animals - Parc Avenue [2008]
in Cville next Tuesday, 3/3! - "Who's Tellin' You" - Blanketship - Klangwunder [NEW]
- "Heavy Snow" - Julie Doiron - I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day [NEW]
- "Wade in the Water" - Califone - Roomsound [2001]
- "Infinite Corridors" - Arbouretum - Song of the Pearl [NEW]
- "Through the Front Door" - Vetiver - Tight Knit [NEW]
- "On the Wings" - Citay - Little Kingdom [2007]
Oh yes I did - a half hour of Can songs:
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