27 January 2009

the Madame Psychosis Hour, Jan 26 1-3am

Sonic Youth - "Fire Engine Dream" (2003)
Jim Becker and Colleen - theme from "Interkosmos" (2006)
Sean Smith - "What Blooms in Summer Dies in Winter" (2005)
Jack Rose and Glenn Jones - "Miss May's Place" (2007)
CocoRosie - "By Your Side" (2004)
Anal Cunt - "Song#6" (1992)

Earth - "Charioteer - Temple Song" (1996)
Vibracathedral Orchestra - "Japan Banjo" (1999)
People Like Us + Ergo Phizmiz - "In the Waking" (2008)

Anthony Braxton - "To Composer John Cage" (1969)
Koen Holtkamp - "Sky Flowers" (2008) {new!}
Animal Collective - "My Girls" (2009) {new!}

Valerio Cosi - "Harmonia Raag" (2006)
the Raincoats - "No Looking" (1979)
the Velvet Underground - "Run Run Run" (1967)
Peter and the Wolf - "the Fall" (2003)

Caboladies - track #2 from "Body Tides" (2007)

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